
Parish Council Meeting Minutes (PDF Downloads)

Planning Committee Meeting Minutes (PDF Downloads)

2022 Meeting Dates

The Planning Committee meetings start at 6.30pm.

The Full Council meetings start at 7.30pm.




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Alwoodley Parish Council was set up in May 2008 and consists of eleven elected Parish Councillors, the Clerk and the Lengthsman who both work part-time.

Alwoodley Parish Council exists to represent the people of Alwoodley Parish as part of the local government structure of the City of Leeds. (The Parish Council is not part of the Church).

The Parish Council is funded through a local tax called the precept which is around £12 for a band D household. This is the first increase since the Parish Council was formed in 2008. The Parish Council aims to use the precept for the benefit of residents to improve and enhance the local area.